Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Boogy Man Ike

In case you have not already heard from us, we survived Hurricane Ike! The storm blew threw in the middle of the night on Friday-Saturday morning. Trey "hunkered down" in a portable crib in our master bathroom and slept through the entire thing! The rest of us slept off and on, occasionally peaking outside to see the strong winds and glimpse at tree limbs that had fallen (we lost a huge limb from our beautiful front tree!). We were lucky and survived the storm unharmed and with only a couple broken window panes. It took us a while to clean up our yard with all of the debris left behind by what Trey's friend Lily is calling "Boogy Man Ike." Thanks to Aunt Dabney for helping us over the weekend! We are still one of the hundreds of thousands without power but we are enjoying the time together as a family.

1 comment:

Mamacita said...

Glad to see your posts and hear you are all okay (minus some windows)...