Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Wonder of Television

When Trey was a little bitty baby, about 4 months old or so, he loved the TV. Maybe it was the bright lights and noises, or maybe it was the constant movement, but something about it captured his attention like nothing else. We had always vowed not to let Trey become addicted to television, so we made a conscious effort at that point to keep him away from the TV.

Fast forward about a year or so, and Trey would not sit and watch the television if we tried. The few times we put Baby Einstein on the TV, and the one time we tried to play the Curious George movie one of his friends gave him for his birthday, Trey showed absolutely no interest at all. Until now, Trey's only entertainment derived from the television is learning how to turn it "off" and "on" and demonstrating the ability to do so at the most inconvenient moments (in the middle of a football play, for example).

But tonight, that changed. Tonight, while Mommy and Daddy had the World Series game on in the background, Trey noticed a doggie on a television commercial and squealed with delight. Then, when the doggie went away, Trey was so perplexed, asking "where did the doggie go?" in his own little way. We captured some of it in video:

After we put our DVR to good use by pausing the commercial on the furry friend, Trey went crazy, squealing, barking, kissing and petting his virtual friend, as you will see here:

Are we mean parents, you ask, for not getting Trey a "real" dog of his own? Maybe so. But virtual pets are so much easier to take care of.

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