Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Back to the Blog...

After an inexcusable several-month hiatus from the world of blogging, I'm back! Hopefully this return is for good. The truth is, life just got so busy, that uploading pictures and writing stories about, well, life, took a back seat to life itself. But I will try to make a real effort about being better about posting here, because I myself have missed the regular entries chronicling Trey's ever-so-fun days.

The past 3 months have been filled with so much activity, from a trip to the Houston Rodeo to an Easter party Trey hosted for his friends, a visit from Sugar and Papa John for Easter itself, trips to the lake, Uncle Ryan's graduation, the start of summer and swimming at the pool, and several birthday parties and play dates in between. And don't forget potty training! (Now can you see what has kept us so busy?) Trey has truly grown from our baby into a full-fledged big boy during this time; he is talking like a real little grown-up, and every day with him continues to be more and more precious. I will try my hardest to catch up on some of these moments on here and "back log" entries to keep some semblance of a complete record here.

But our biggest news of late is that Trey is going to be a big brother! That's right; our family is expecting a new addition in October -- and it's a girl this time. Trey affectionately calls her either "Baby Sister" or "Goldilocks," and he seems to already be embracing his new role as a big brother. He says he is going to share his toys with his baby sister, play with choo-choos with her, read her books, and help change her diapers. Whether he is so eagerly welcoming when she arrives will be interesting to see, but for now, he is adjusting well. He likes to give Mommy's growing belly kisses and knows that, one day, the belly will "pop!" and then we will have a baby.

In the meantime, Trey's other love is Thomas the Train. He loves playing with his train table, is learning all the names of Thomas and his friends, and will even sit and watch about 20 minutes of Thomas the Train on TV (the only program he watches). He also LOVES books, both at school and at home. No matter whether we read him 2 or 20 books before bedtime, he always cries for another. And he is always so attentive during story time at school. It is amazing how much he has learned and developed over the past few months. Our latest activities are swimming lessons and gymnastics; he is getting accustomed to the swimming thing, and absolutely loves gymnastics.
For me, the best part about Trey of late are the cute things that come out of his mouth. It's just so much fun to finally get a glimpse into what is going on in that little brain of his. I will try to write about these things as they happen. And I sincerely hope this is the first of many blog posts to come!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Little Gymnast

We recently enrolled Trey in gymnastics classes at the Little Gym for the summer. What more can we say but that Trey absolutely loves it! And boy, is he good at it! Trey runs and flips around the room like a pro, and he loves every minute of it. Each time they introduce a new skill, Trey gets it down right away. And he is so fast! It is no small chore keeping up with him.

Trey absolutely loves gymnastics. It is rare that a day goes by that he does not ask to go. We're so glad we signed him up for these classes!

A little video of Trey running around the room during the intro portion of the class. Trey's specialty is the forward roll!

And another of him bouncing around. We love the Little Gym!!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

For Father's Day, we all gathered for lunch at Mama C and Daddy Tom's house. Trey had spent the night since it was Mommy and Daddy's anniversary the day before.

We had a casual lunch and then opened cards and presents. Trey was so excited to give Daddy his gifts - hand-painted pottery we had made while enjoying a sick day the week before. We had so much fun making it, and we hope Daddy enjoys it just as much!

We had a nice afternoon spending time with the Riddle family, followed by another cook out that evening with the Graneys. All in all, it was a great day spent with family!

6 Years

It's hard to believe that it has been six years since Daddy and Mommy said "I do." Wow, what fun we've had since then, but of course the best part has been expanding our marriage into a family.

This is what we welcomed in our bed the morning of our 6th wedding anniversary.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Swimming Lessons

Trey started group swim lessons this weekend at our local YMCA. It's just a short, 6-week program to try and get him more accustomed to swimming on his own. He was so comfortable in the water by the end of last summer, but we've hardly taken him since then, so we have taken some steps back. Trey was comfortable in the water overall, but he clung to Daddy the entire time and had a hard time trying new things. We're quite sure he'll get better over the course of the summer, and our hope is that he'll be swimming on his own soon.
In the meantime, though, he sure does look cute trying!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Underwear... pretty useful, and not just as an undergarment.