Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Pray for Baby Sam!

I'm not really sure how many people read this blog. When I started it, I really intended it for family who don't get to see Trey every day. I also hoped it would be an online diary of sorts, so that I could write things here and there about Trey without having to remember to pull out the baby book every time. But, over the months, I've had friends here and there tell me that they read the blog. I'm not sure why they do - it's certainly not as interesting as other blogs I've seen, particularly those kept by moms who work inside the home, and I've never been good about uploading pictures - but nevertheless, I know there are a few of you out there reading this right now.

So, I'd like to ask you, if you are the praying type, to pray for baby Sam. Little Sam was born today to my friend Erica (who was also a very close elementary and high school friend to Aunt Kacie). Erica and her husband, Travis, have a beautiful little girl, Emma. When they started trying for a second baby, they learned that Erica suffers from a blog clotting disorder that caused her to miscarry (and they also learned that Erica's healthy pregnancy with Emma was nothing short of a miracle!). Erica and Travis relied on their faith to get them through this difficult time, and they prayed and prayed that God would send them a child. God answered their prayers, and brought them baby Sam. Erica has chronicled this journey in her blog, ajourneywithfaith.blogspot.com. Her blog is one of the most beautiful things I've ever read. It is so honest, touching, funny, and thoughtful. It is a perfect reflection of how precious and Godly a woman Erica truly is, not to mention how much she loves her little boy.

Erica and Travis learned about two weeks ago that baby Sam has at least one heart defect that will require surgery now that he is born. Since then, friends and family, and friends of friends and family, have been praying for baby Sam. Erica and Travis know about the power of prayer, so I ask that any of you who are reading this will join us in praying for baby Sam. Sam is currently in the care of Texas Children's Hospital, where they are assessing his needs. He couldn't be in better hands. And born at nearly ten pounds, Sam is lucky in that he should be big enough already for the surgery. It is such an exciting, yet scary, time for Erica and Travis. Please pray, pray, pray!!


Trey is learning his letters! For a while now, he has known that the letter "A" sounds like "aaaaaah," the letter "B" makes a "baa" sound, and the letter "D" makes a "daa" sound. He will also sometimes say "C," "mmmm" for the letter "M," and "ssssss" for the letter "S." As we founds out with colors, Trey doesn't like to show off at home, so at times it is hard for us to know exactly what all he does know (yes, this is one of the trade offs of being a working mom -- I try not to think too much about it). But then there are the times that Trey surprises us.

Trey has a tub full of those foam letters and numbers to use in the bath. Santa brought them to him last year, and for a while we thought that Santa was being a little ambitious. After all, a then-10-month-old Trey was only interested in putting the Ms and Ps in his mouth to chew on, which the packaging specifically forbids. But lately, Trey has been getting some real use out of the foam letters. Last night in the bath, Trey picked up the "B" letter and said "B!!!!"

Monday, September 21, 2009

Music Lover

Who said Trey was not supposed to be a musician because he has Edwards genes? We're not naming names (Sugar), but so far in Trey's short life, he has proven that quite the opposite is true.

Trey LOVES music. When he hears certain songs playing, he starts dancing up a storm! It's quite amusing to watch, as I'm not quite sure where he gets his "moves" from (I'm not sure we can count on a career in dancing in his future), but it's certain that he loves the sound of music.

Mommy and Trey had this first music class on Saturday. Trey has been to "fun" music classes before, but this class is designed to teach children singing and music fundamentals and to instill a true love of music. He loved it, and as he warms up to the new room and the teacher, we think he will enjoy it more and more.

We spent Saturday evening at Trey's Riddle grandparents house. While there, Mommy decided to play "I See the Moon" on the piano. This is one of Trey's favorite songs -- whenever he sees a picture of the moon in one of his books, he starts humming, and surprisingly with a tune that's pretty close to the real thing! When Mommy started playing the song, Trey said "moon!" Who said this boy would not love music?

Follow me!

Trey is now on Twitter! Daddy thought it would be a good idea for Trey to get a Twitter account so that we could quickly record his new words and fun new things without having to remember to add them to the blog later. So Daddy signed Trey up for a Twitter account! Mommy finds this quite amusing, especially since Daddy refuses to join any social networking site (a la Facebook), and odd since none of us have a Twitter account ourselves, but it has proven to be a good way to record short little details about Trey's days.

Follow Trey at @treyedwards2008! For those of us without Twitter accounts, you can still check out his "tweets" at twitter.com/treyedwards2008.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Pee Pee in the Potty!!

It's certainly a sign that we have entered a new phase of life when urine gets us excited. But we hit a milestone last night at the Edwards house when Trey went pee pee in the potty for the first time without coercion or fool tactics.

Trey was finishing dinner with a cup of milk, as usual, when he proclaimed "potty!" He has said this at the end of dinner pretty much every night for the past week, so we had no reason to believe he really meant that he wanted to use the potty. So, like most nights, we proceeded to the bathroom to get Trey ready for his bath, and we plopped him on the potty to sit and *try* to go potty. (We really aren't actively potty training at this point, just trying to get him used to the idea.) But this time, after a few minutes of sitting on the potty, Trey really did go pee pee! We didn't have to force him onto the potty, and we didn't have to pour warm water on him to get him to go - he went on his own!

We were so proud of the little guy that we forgot all about the disgusting dirty diaper he had come home with earlier. Ah, the little joys of parenthood.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Can't Keep Up

It's official -- Trey is talking up a storm! It has become pretty much impossible for me to keep up an accurate "words list" here on the blog. (And to think I was ever worried he would never talk!) We will still try to keep some sort of list until he starts saying phrases (which hasn't happened just yet, but he's close!), but we're almost certainly leaving some important words off the list.

The most exciting words in the past few days, besides "potty," are colors. Trey has said "blue" and "green" while pointing at those colors! It's fun to see him recognize things we've been teaching him for months now.

Now that Trey is becoming more verbal, we're increasingly able to see his little mind at work. Last night, while sitting on the potty (which he did not use, but that's another story), he heard an airplane flying overhead, pointed to the sky, and said "whoosh!" (the sound we taught him for airplane). When we got home today, Trey walked into our sunroom/playroom, said "hot," and then walked over to the air conditioner as if to ask us to turn it on. It's just amazing how his little mind works and learns and develops each and every day.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Potty Time

For the past couple of weeks, Trey has been trying to use the potty at night. While realizing he is probably still too young for full-on potty training (most boys don't train until at least 2), Mommy and Daddy figured it couldn't hurt to start getting him used to the idea. So, at night before bath, he spends a few minutes sitting on the potty and trying to figure out what to do.

Last week, Trey actually used the potty for the first time. He was sitting on the potty for a while, the bath water was running, and he let out a little stream. Mommy and Daddy were so excited they let out a little scream, which startled Trey so much that he stopped. Then he finished in the bathtub. :)

This past weekend, Mommy was out of town for a girls' weekend, so Daddy and Trey had some fun bonding time together. On Saturday, Daddy put Trey on the potty and got him to use it again, but only after pouring warm water on his diaper area for a little while. Still, it counts! The next morning, Trey was sitting at his table eating when Daddy swore he said "potty." Daddy asked Trey if he wanted to go potty and Trey nodded "yes." So, off to the potty they went. Daddy was so excited that he called Mommy (despite her being two hours behind) to tell her. Trey didn't actually go potty that time, but it was still exciting for him to want to try.

The next day, Mama C visited and took Trey to the potty. She got him to use the potty by utilizing the "warm water trick." Trey now demands to have warm water poured on him each time he sits on the potty. Hopefully we aren't creating bad habits. :)

We figure the potty use will happen slowly but surely. We're not setting our sights too high, but it's still nice to hope that our days without diapers are somewhat numbered!

Friday, September 4, 2009


Trey is talking more and more these days, so much so that I'm virtually unable to keep up with his words list. Much of what he says is probably still gibberish to the untrained ear, but Mommy and Daddy understand lots of his talking lately. Even more fun, Trey will point to things and blurt out a new word, almost as if to show off his new talking abilities.

Last weekend, we visited family in Louisiana (and please forgive me for not dedicating a full post to this trip alone. A year ago, I would have done that. All in all, we had a nice time, but Trey HATED spending so much time in the car!). At dinner at Mimmie's house, he first demonstrated not only his ability to say "hot," but also his understanding of what that means. It's very helpful now to know that why he isn't eating something isn't because he doesn't like it, but because it's too "hot." (Although, now nearly every food is "hot" on first taste. We're starting to realize that "hot" doesn't necessarily mean "too hot.")

Also at Mimmie's house, Trey was playing with one of our big yellow highlighters, when out of the blue he shouted "ellow!" (We took this to mean "yellow," of course.) Later that same day, while at the pool, Trey pointed to the hat Mommy was wearing and very clearly said "hat."

One more comment about Mimmie's house: on Sunday morning, Trey desperately wanted to go outside, but Daddy couldn't take him because the door was locked. Daddy explained to Trey that he needed the key to unlock the door to go outside (everyone else happened to be out, so we were locked in). A few minutes later, we were playing in our room and Trey found Daddy's keys. He immediately rushed to the door and tried to put the key in the door! He was saying "key" all along (which is how this anecdote is relevant to this post). Of course he didn't realize this was the wrong key, but we were just so impressed by our super smart baby! I'm sure we are the only parents who think that our child is the smartest one in the world!!

This week at school, one of Trey's teachers was so excited to tell me that Trey actually said something she could understand. Trey, by virtue of being one of the youngest in the class until recently and also a "man of few words," as they say, doesn't talk as much as some of the other kids. Apparently, Trey said "I want some." Never having heard this phrase ourselves, Mommy and Daddy remain skeptical about this (perhaps it was like the one time when Trey was about a year that we swear he said "necklace"), but it's still nice to hear that our little one is really starting to express himself.