Monday, September 14, 2009

Can't Keep Up

It's official -- Trey is talking up a storm! It has become pretty much impossible for me to keep up an accurate "words list" here on the blog. (And to think I was ever worried he would never talk!) We will still try to keep some sort of list until he starts saying phrases (which hasn't happened just yet, but he's close!), but we're almost certainly leaving some important words off the list.

The most exciting words in the past few days, besides "potty," are colors. Trey has said "blue" and "green" while pointing at those colors! It's fun to see him recognize things we've been teaching him for months now.

Now that Trey is becoming more verbal, we're increasingly able to see his little mind at work. Last night, while sitting on the potty (which he did not use, but that's another story), he heard an airplane flying overhead, pointed to the sky, and said "whoosh!" (the sound we taught him for airplane). When we got home today, Trey walked into our sunroom/playroom, said "hot," and then walked over to the air conditioner as if to ask us to turn it on. It's just amazing how his little mind works and learns and develops each and every day.

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