Friday, October 31, 2008

The Pacifier Drop

Trey has a little game that he likes to play in the mornings. After he stirs from his peaceful slumber (and he really is a good little night-time sleeper - about 12 hours each night!), he crawls around his crib, pulls up on the bumpers and the bars, and looks around to see if there is any activity in his room. He then takes a pacifier, bangs it back and forth between two of the bars on the crib, and eventually tosses it onto the floor. As we keep several pacifiers in the crib (fully realizing this is against the instructions of all the baby sleep experts), Trey repeats the process until each of his pacifiers is on the floor, with the exception of the one in his mouth. For whatever reason, he declines to do the same thing with the toys he keeps in the bed. He then rolls around a bit more, lies down, and rests until Mommy or Daddy come to get him. When we enter the room, we are greeted by a sea of pacifiers on the floor. It really is too funny. We's posted a video of it on the bar to the right.

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