Saturday, November 29, 2008
First Sleepover!
Trey had his first official sleepover last night. He stayed at Mama C & Daddy Tom's for the night after we all celebrated Thanksgiving. Mommy and Daddy went to a birthday party (they went indoor rock climbing and had a blast -- Mommy got all the way to the top!) and hung out with friends. Trey was a sweet boy for his grandparents and they didn't want to give him up this morning! Trey had a great time too and didn't want to leave. He hardly even reacted when Mommy picked him up this morning. Mama C loved having her little baby around the house and missed him so much when he was gone!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving from the newest little Edwards! Trey celebrated Turkey day twice this year. On Thursday we had lunch with friends at the Plaza Club downtown, where Trey feasted on an elaborate Thanksgiving Day brunch buffet with beautiful views of the city (as beautiful as views in Houston go, anyway). He even got a turkey bath squirter toy out of the deal, and Mommy and Daddy got to bring home a little takeout container of turkey and stuffing.
On Friday, we had a belated Thanksgiving with Mommy's extended family (Uncle Ryan wanted to go to the Texas - Texas A&M game in Austin on Thursday). Mommy brought a smoked turkey, gravy, rolls, green beans, broccoli rice casserole and sweet potatoes, Uncle Ryan made his famous carrots and ambrosia, and Trey's Great Aunt Mar brought banana pudding and the family favorite dessert - sundae pie. We had a great time, and everybody loved spending time with little Baby Trey.
On Friday, we had a belated Thanksgiving with Mommy's extended family (Uncle Ryan wanted to go to the Texas - Texas A&M game in Austin on Thursday). Mommy brought a smoked turkey, gravy, rolls, green beans, broccoli rice casserole and sweet potatoes, Uncle Ryan made his famous carrots and ambrosia, and Trey's Great Aunt Mar brought banana pudding and the family favorite dessert - sundae pie. We had a great time, and everybody loved spending time with little Baby Trey.
Visit with Santa
Trey went to see Santa on Wednesday night. He reacted exactly the way we expected him to: he wasn't scared, just very serious and focused on figuring this new guy out. It was a challenge to get him to even look at the camera! We'll probably have a couple more Santa visits this season; I'll post a picture eventually!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Trey's Favorite Game
Our little crawling baby has a new favorite game: he loves to chase Mommy or Daddy around the house! We get on all fours and crawl into different rooms or around tables, and Trey follows with squeals and giggles. Occasionally he is the one leading the way, but mostly he prefers to try and catch us. He is a master crawler, so this game works really well. It's so fun for all of us.
I haven't been as good at blogging lately and I apologize. For the sake of the complete record, even though it's difficult to talk about, I should write that Trey just got back from a visit to Louisiana. We were there for his Gramps's funeral. Gramps passed away early Monday morning in the hospital after being sick for a while. He was 79 years old. He was such a sweet man, and Trey was lucky to get to meet him no less than three times this year.
We've also been overwhelmed with Trey's other great-grandfather in the hospital. Pappa is recovering from heart surgery and has had one complication after another. Trey visits when he can, although he's not allowed to see him in ICU (Pappa has been back and forth between ICU and his own room). It is always good therapy for Pappa to see Trey. We ask for your prayers during this trying time.
I haven't been as good at blogging lately and I apologize. For the sake of the complete record, even though it's difficult to talk about, I should write that Trey just got back from a visit to Louisiana. We were there for his Gramps's funeral. Gramps passed away early Monday morning in the hospital after being sick for a while. He was 79 years old. He was such a sweet man, and Trey was lucky to get to meet him no less than three times this year.
We've also been overwhelmed with Trey's other great-grandfather in the hospital. Pappa is recovering from heart surgery and has had one complication after another. Trey visits when he can, although he's not allowed to see him in ICU (Pappa has been back and forth between ICU and his own room). It is always good therapy for Pappa to see Trey. We ask for your prayers during this trying time.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
First Time Out
Our sweet little boy has turned into a very finicky eater. On Saturday, after his marathon portrait sitting that I neglected to write about, we took him to eat "breakfast" at Buffalo Grille. Trey dined on pancakes (no syrup) and loved them, so much so that when I fed him the leftovers for lunch the next day, he begged for more pancake pieces in lieu of the vegetables on his tray. Last night we gave him some chicken fingers and fruit. Trey loved the chicken fingers, but refused to eat the fruit. When we put the pieces in his mouth, he immediately spit them out, then whined for more chicken. Trying to negotiate with the little 9-month-old, we told him he couldn't have any more chicken until he ate his fruit. He still refused. So, we resorted to other measures and put him in "time out" by turning his high chair around for 45 seconds. I'm sure the little guy had no clue what was going on, but I suppose we have to start somewhere.
Meanwhile, we have the issue of getting Trey to actually eat fruits and vegetables! He loves beans, Cheerio's and all things carbs and meat. I guess he is a real man. Hopefully this is just a phase and it won't stick. After all, he thoroughly enjoyed dining on strawberries and bananas at Mommy's birthday dinner Saturday night.
Meanwhile, we have the issue of getting Trey to actually eat fruits and vegetables! He loves beans, Cheerio's and all things carbs and meat. I guess he is a real man. Hopefully this is just a phase and it won't stick. After all, he thoroughly enjoyed dining on strawberries and bananas at Mommy's birthday dinner Saturday night.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
9 Month Stats
Trey went to the doctor today for his 9-month check up. And his stats are:
Weight: 19 lbs., 7 oz. = 25%
Length: 27 3/4" = 25%
His percentiles are down from previous check-ups, but the doctor was not concerned about it at all, since the ranges for babies are so narrow after 6 months. 21 pounds would be the 50th percentile. (Personally, we think his percentage has gone down since so many babies go on formula after 6 months and bulk up on the extra calories. Plus, Trey is so active that he burns all his extra fat off!)
The surprise of the day was that Trey has ear infections in both ears! He felt warm to us in NYC over the weekend, but otherwise he hasn't had any symptoms other than a slightly runny nose. He hasn't even complained at all. So, the doctor prescribed an antibiotic and ordered him back in a couple weeks, since Trey has had so many ear infections in recent months. He did say it could be related to all the travel we've been doing since the pressure changes in airplanes promote ear infections. I guess there is a price to pay for being a little jet setter!
Weight: 19 lbs., 7 oz. = 25%
Length: 27 3/4" = 25%
His percentiles are down from previous check-ups, but the doctor was not concerned about it at all, since the ranges for babies are so narrow after 6 months. 21 pounds would be the 50th percentile. (Personally, we think his percentage has gone down since so many babies go on formula after 6 months and bulk up on the extra calories. Plus, Trey is so active that he burns all his extra fat off!)
The surprise of the day was that Trey has ear infections in both ears! He felt warm to us in NYC over the weekend, but otherwise he hasn't had any symptoms other than a slightly runny nose. He hasn't even complained at all. So, the doctor prescribed an antibiotic and ordered him back in a couple weeks, since Trey has had so many ear infections in recent months. He did say it could be related to all the travel we've been doing since the pressure changes in airplanes promote ear infections. I guess there is a price to pay for being a little jet setter!
School Pictures
Trey had picture day at school yesterday. Who knew babies took part in this annual occasion! Those who know Trey know that whenever he is in a new environment, he has to study the room and the people in it before he can "let loose." So we were pretty sure Trey would not give us the smiley picture we were hoping for. Sure enough, Trey gave a very serious expression in his school photo. The teachers said he was trying to figure everything out. True to form! Oh well. We will have his "0-year" school picture for posterity and I'm sure we will come to treasure it (just like his hospital picture, which we thought was really good at the time but now looks nothing like him!). We are taking "real" pictures on Saturday and I am very excited to work with this photographer. She does amazing work.

Thursday, November 6, 2008
Finger Foods
Trey is deciding more and more that he is tired of this baby food stuff. He would much rather eat big-people food. This week, he started eating the school-provided lunch each day. On Monday he had little pieces of steak fingers, green beans, french fries, and peaches. He loved it! Now that he is pretty good at feeding himself, he much prefers the finger foods to the mushy stuff (unless it's banana-flavored yogurt or something equally tasty). It makes our lives much easier because we can throw things onto his tray while we actually feed ourselves! Trey is eating pretty much everything these days. He loves beans, chicken, and peas. He also eats little pieces of tomatoes and other vegetables. And, of course, there are the beloved Cheerio's.
This weekend we are headed to New York City. Aunt Kacie is coming with us as Trey's date. Trey will get to see lots of Mommy and Daddy's friends, and he will finally get to meet his second cousin Evelyn!
This weekend we are headed to New York City. Aunt Kacie is coming with us as Trey's date. Trey will get to see lots of Mommy and Daddy's friends, and he will finally get to meet his second cousin Evelyn!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Political Activist
Baby Trey went out with Mommy today to campaign door-to-door for his Congressional candidate of choice. He sported a T-shirt for his Presidential candidate of choice, and everyone, regardless of political affiliation, thought he was incredibly adorable. Note to all: babies are great for campaigning. Trey really enjoyed being outside, enjoying the ride and the fresh air, and munching on Cheerio's. Perhaps we have a future politician in the house!
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