Thursday, November 13, 2008

9 Month Stats

Trey went to the doctor today for his 9-month check up. And his stats are:
Weight: 19 lbs., 7 oz. = 25%
Length: 27 3/4" = 25%

His percentiles are down from previous check-ups, but the doctor was not concerned about it at all, since the ranges for babies are so narrow after 6 months. 21 pounds would be the 50th percentile. (Personally, we think his percentage has gone down since so many babies go on formula after 6 months and bulk up on the extra calories. Plus, Trey is so active that he burns all his extra fat off!)

The surprise of the day was that Trey has ear infections in both ears! He felt warm to us in NYC over the weekend, but otherwise he hasn't had any symptoms other than a slightly runny nose. He hasn't even complained at all. So, the doctor prescribed an antibiotic and ordered him back in a couple weeks, since Trey has had so many ear infections in recent months. He did say it could be related to all the travel we've been doing since the pressure changes in airplanes promote ear infections. I guess there is a price to pay for being a little jet setter!

1 comment:

Blair said...

Hey Kelly! Saw the blog link on your facebook info. Sounds like little Trey is doing great! He's just a couple months behind my little Steven Joseph Jr (12/20/07). Well, back to digging crayons out of his mouth...