Wednesday, April 1, 2009


We have learned in recent weeks that Trey absolutely LOVES being outside, and especially roaming around free. He can be in an apathetic mood or even fussy, but when we put him down to run around outside on his own, he immediately turns into the happiest little boy you've ever seen.

Often when we get home at the end of the day, Trey will stand at the front door, look through the glass panes, and BEG to go outside. He does this at other times as well when he is reminded that he is inside instead of out. In this way, our sunroom is the perfect play area for Trey. It "feels" like you are outside when you are, in fact, perfectly sheltered.

Trey's school teachers tell us that he loves going outside to play and cries when it's time to go in. Mama C has gotten in the habit of taking Trey to the park nearly every time she comes to visit, and now, if she doesn't immediately take him outside when she arrives, Trey gets upset. We're not entirely sure what is so appealing about the great outdoors, but Trey seems to absolutely love it.

Believe it or not, "outside" was Mommy's first word as a baby. We have no idea what happened to her . . . but perhaps Trey is taking after her in this regard, at least for now.

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