This past weekend we headed to Charleston, WV, for the first time ever, to visit Trey's new cousin, Patrick Clifford Graney V. Trey loved seeing his baby cousin and warmed up to him very quickly. He even greeted baby Patrick with a sweet little kiss on the forehead.
We all loved meeting the newest addition to the Edwards family. Baby Patrick was such a little doll, and we heard little more than a peep out of him the entire time we were there.
Trey loved being around the baby and didn't seem jealous at all of all the attention baby Patrick was getting. Maybe that's because his grandparents were equally attentive to Trey while we were in town. Trey had a blast.
He baked cookies with Sugar...
and ate a few along the way...
And he ran around outside with Papa John and Lady June, which was quite possibly the highlight of Trey's weekend.
And Sugar and Papa John gave Trey a great bath that Trey keeps talking about.
But most of all, we enjoyed quality time with little Patrick, who didn't seem to mind being held and passed on from person to person..JPG)
He didn't even object when Trey wanted a turn!
Trey was not jealous at all of Mommy and Daddy holding the baby. Trey even said he loved the baby, but when we asked Trey if he wanted a baby to come live at our house, Trey said "no!" every time. You can't put anything past this kid.
Just before we left, we couldn't pass up the chance to take a 1-2-3-4-5 picture: John Saul Edwards (1), John Saul Edwards, Jr. (2), John Saul Edwards III (3), Patrick Clifford Graney IV (4), and Patrick Clifford Graney V (5)!What a great weekend! Thanks Dabney and Patrick for being such great hosts!!
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