Happy 4th of July! After a typical Saturday of swim lessons, errands, and play, we spent the 4th up at Lake Livingston with our friends, the Folsoms, who have a 2 year old boy in Trey's class and an 8 month old little girl. Trey had a great time and really enjoyed swimming in the lake, going on the boat (which he has been talking about ever since the last time he rode on the boat over Memorial Day weekend), playing in the sand at a little man-made island in the middle of the lake, and playing with Conner's toys. It was a beautiful day with perfect weather.

Our favorite part about Lake Livingston on the 4th is all the fireworks the residents shoot off their docks at night. We were able to enjoy a full fireworks display while enjoying a peaceful evening on the dock. Trey was a little scared because our neighbors were shooting off really loud (and obnoxious) rockets, but overall he enjoyed all the colors in the sky. He was just too pooped, though, to make it through the entire thing, and he fell asleep on my shoulder. It reminded me of when he was a little baby, which I loved.
Speaking of babies, Baby Sister enjoyed her 4th, too! In honor of the holiday, I'm posting my first official belly shot (at 25 weeks or so).

And while on the subject of other members of the Edwards family, I've decided to start a family blog to write about all of our adventures rather than just Trey's. The thought is to merge this blog with that one sometime around Trey's 2 1/2 year mark (which is pretty soon!). But I need help coming up with a name for the blog. If you have any suggestions, send me a message!
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