Monday, December 8, 2008

Another ear infection

Trey woke up yesterday with a bad cough that sounded productive. He didn't have a fever, so I didn't worry much, but we knew something was up. He coughed all night and just wasn't his normal, rambunctious self this morning, so I made him a doctor's appointment. Sure enough, he has yet another ear infection. This makes #4 for him - one at 4 months, one at 6, one at 9, and now one at 10. So the doctor told us we should try and see a pediatric ear, nose, and throat specialist. He said they may not do anything now, but at least we can go ahead and establish a relationship with one since we're bound to need one eventually.

But the doctor says our little boy is doing great otherwise! He is really impressed with how comfortable he is around strangers and how cooperative he was in the exam room. He said he is interacting at an advanced level and seems to have excellent communication skills. If only he could see our little baby crawl, he would be very impressed by his gross motor skills as well.

When we got home, Trey and I rocked and he rested his sweet head on my shoulder for a long while. It was one of those touching moments that reminds you why you became a mother. As sad as I was for my little baby who didn't feel well, and as frustrating as it was to miss time from work today, nothing feels so special as cuddling with your little baby who depends on you for everything. And the older and more active he gets, the harder those moments are to come by.

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