Thursday, January 22, 2009

Free Love

Trey's teacher, Ms. Angel, has sworn for months that Trey often blows kisses to passers-by. While Mommy was convinced this merely appeared to be the case (he likes to make sounds by covering his mouth on and off with his hand), Trey has now started to give away real kisses to anyone who asks for them. It makes your heart melt. When we say, for example, "Give Mommy a kiss!", Trey opens his mouth, leans in, and presses his lips against Mommy's cheek. He'll do this a few times and then repeat when prompted again.

Trey is talking more and more, and we're convinced he'll start saying "real" words any day now. He already says "Da-Da" a lot, and sometimes "Ma-Ma," but often it's "Da-da-da-da-da," or "Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma" (and that one usually only comes when he's wanting to nurse!). But he is making all kinds of sounds and jabbering all day long.

Meanwhile, Trey is starting to stand without support for moments at a time. He still sees no real need to walk since he is such a good crawler, and he still "walks" on his knees from time to time, but he is getting there slowly. He will sometimes wave hello or bye-bye to someone, but we haven't perfected that fine motor skill just yet.

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