Friday, January 16, 2009

Future singer?

Mommy and Daddy have always joked that since she is so good at music and he is terrible, and since he is so good at sports and she is terrible, that they will have one child who is good at everything and one child who is good at nothing. (It's only a joke!) Time will tell if Trey follows in Daddy's soccer-playing footsteps (he does like to chase a ball around the room!), but lately he is showing signs of being a future singer.

Mommy sings to Trey every night before he goes to bed and every time she puts him down for a nap. Now, when he has trouble falling asleep, or when he is napping at school during the day, Trey hums to himself in bed. Mommy likes to sing to Trey in the car when she is driving, and often times Trey will sing back to her. As we've mentioned before, Trey loves bouncing to music. And we've recently discovered that Trey loves American Idol! Although we don't really "let" him watch it, whenever a "good" singer performs, Trey turns to the TV and smiles with delight!

Whether he will have perfect pitch or hardly be able to carry a tune, we won't know for a while. But it does look like our little baby appreciates music so far, so we're off to a good start!

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