Monday, February 23, 2009

1-year Stats

Trey went to the doctor today for his 1-year check-up and immunizations. He measured in the 25th percentile across the board, which is exactly the same as his 9-month check-up. Trey checked out just fine in all other areas. The doctor was impressed he is already walking so well!

Trey's current class at school has been great for him so far. He is increasingly comfortable on his feet and is learning new things every day. We are trying at home to get Trey to focus on learning animal sounds and colors. They work on these things at school, but Mommy has decided we need more reinforcement at home. Trey also seems to be doing well with the tubes and is happier than ever. He still isn't really verbalizing yet, but we know that will come with time.

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