Monday, February 2, 2009


Trey had a weekend of "almosts".... almost walking, and almost talking!

First, for the sake of the complete record, I must note that we went to Fort Worth this weekend for a wedding. Trey wasn't wild about spending so much time in his car seat (at least on the airplanes he gets to move around some!), but we got through the trip without many complaints. Cousin Holly babysat while Mommy and Daddy went to the wedding (thanks Holly!), and by all accounts they had a good time.

Trey also saw his first Superbowl this weekend, although he was more interested in pulling on Daddy's hair, trying to get his fingers into the 7-layer dip, and staring down our friend's cat (I don't think he'd every really seen a cat before).

But, back to the "almosts"... Trey is almost walking! This weekend, we caught him a few times standing unassisted and taking a step before realizing he was upright and quickly dropping down to all fours. And Trey is almost talking! In fact, we think he might be saying his first word - "hello." He says it in a very cute way that would be nearly impossible to describe in writing. On Sunday morning, Trey waived his cute little hand while saying "hello" to Mommy. So while we're still figuring out if he knows what the word means, he is close to recording his first word in the baby book.

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