Wednesday, March 11, 2009


We had our first biting experience at school yesterday. Fortunately (I think), Trey was the bitee, not the biter. According to Ms. Terri, Trey was his normal social self at snack time. Instead of sitting in his chair and quietly eating his snack like he is supposed to do, he walked from friend to friend to check out what snacks they were having. One friend had goldfish. Trey decided he wanted goldfish, too! So he reached for the delectable orange cracker. The friend, however, would have none of it, and he (or she) bit Trey's hand in response! By all accounts, Trey was a little stunned and whined a bit, but overall he was relatively unfazed by the episode.

Mommy received a call, of course, from the school regarding the incident. But Mommy and Daddy had the same reaction -- serves him right for stealing food! Perhaps we are a bit insensitive, but these are rules of social conduct we are happy to know he is learning early in life.

1 comment:

Mamacita said...

I agree. It kinda goes along with the whole forced-sharing idea. I always think it's so funny that we expect our kids to share everything when we are such a capitalistic owner-focused society...