Friday, March 20, 2009


It seems Trey is successfully weaned... Mommy is about 90% sure, at least. While we went through our weaning pains a few weeks ago, Trey now seems completely content with regular milk, and in a sippy cup at that!

I realize I've neglected you blog readers for the past week and more... so here are the headlines of recent days.

Trey enjoyed a fun afternoon at the Children's Museum last Sunday with Mommy and Mama C. The new Tot Spot opened at the museum, and yes, we were crazy enough to go on opening weekend. We managed to miss the heights of the crowds, however, and while there were still a good number of tots in attendance, Trey had enough space to thoroughly enjoy the experience.

Trey has reunited with Anna in Nursery 1, and he is loving it. Their romance (or good friendship, at least) continues.

We have continued our playground escapades at the park across the street after work most nights.

Trey enjoyed a visit with Uncle P on Wednesday! Trey, however, happened to pick that day of all days to hardly nap, so he wasn't entirely his playful self that evening. It was a good visit nonetheless -- Trey got to show off his stellar walking skills, and Uncle P read him a story before bed.

We hope to be better about updates this week! As for pictures and videos, I make no promises...

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