Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Moving up!

Another graduation day for Trey is upon us... His school informs us that he will be moving to the Movement 2 class next week! Trey is moving up a little sooner than some of the children who are older than he is, but he is walking so well, and the teachers didn't want to separate him from his good friend Jake (they are the two Alpha males in the class).

Movement 2 isn't all that different than Trey's current class, Movement 1, but they spend more time outside (because there is no longer a formal morning nap time), and they also spend more time in lessons learning about colors, shapes, and letters.

Trey will likely spend a while in Movement 2, since most kids stay there until around their second birthday. We are sad to leave our friends and teachers in Movement 1, but we're excited to get to know a new class of teachers!

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