Sunday, June 7, 2009

Trey's Signs

I just realized I hadn't adequately devoted a blog post to Trey's signs. While he doesn't talk right now as much as some other kids his age, he has mastered the signs we have taught him. Granted, we've only taught him three signs, but he does them so well, we're thinking of adding more.

Trey's best sign is "milk," which he signs by squeezing his hands like he were milking a cow. Trey will walk up to the fridge, point, and sign "milk." He signs milk at many other points during the day, including inconvenient ones, like when we're riding in the car, or just before we're serving dinner (and once he drinks milk he has no desire to eat real food). So, even though he doesn't always get what he wants, it's nice for us to know what he does want.

Trey also signs "more" (like a clapping gesture, but with his hands closed), and "all done" (hands straight up about the head, the same sign as "touchdown," which could cause some confusion come football season, although I suppose the concepts are somewhat consistent). Sometimes he will sign "more" and then immediately sign "all done;" we think he might mean that he is "all done" with his current helping and wants "more." As Daddy says, he doesn't necessarily understand that the terms are mutually exclusive.

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