Over the weekend, Daddy put together a step stool for Trey. We'd had this stool in the box since Trey was born, but have only recently really had the need to use it. But now it is so handy to have in the bathroom for hand washing and teeth brushing. It is a little taller than your standard step stool, which makes it just right for Trey. Plus, it matches his room!
But never mind the step stool's wonderful qualities. The point of this post is that as Daddy was putting together the stool, Trey felt the need to help. At first, he grabbed his toy hammer and screwdriver and gave them to Daddy to use. When he realized Daddy was sticking to his own tools, Trey "helped" Daddy screw in the various pieces of the stool. It was so sweet, and Trey really thought he was helping, and really wanted to help. What a nice moment between father and son.

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