Over the weekend, we headed to the rodeo for a little Texas fun. It was Trey's first trip there, so we put his cowboy gear on and headed out on the short trip to Reliant park for some good ole' Texas fun. Aunt Kacie and her friend Sean joined Mommy, Daddy, and Trey for the outing.
Our adventure started with a very exciting ride on the "choo choo," otherwise known as Houston's Light Rail, but nevertheless, it's the closest thing to a train Trey sees on a daily basis. He couldn't believe we were actually going to ride on the actual train itself. I venture to say that this ride was perhaps more exciting than the rodeo itself.
We visited the livestock show, where Trey enjoyed seeing the cows, sheep, bees, and chickens. He especially enjoyed seeing the new baby chicks hatch from their eggs. Mommy and Aunt Kacie thought the birthing area was particularly interesting -- there were animals who had given birth just hours earlier who were up on their feet and seemed perfectly fine, and brand new baby animals that were already walking. It make us feel somewhat inferior to these other creatures.

Trey also really enjoyed seeing a real, live tractor for the only the second time ever. (Yes, we really are city folk.)

After a little more exploring inside, we took Trey outside to the kid area of the carnival. Unfortunately, he was still too small to ride most of the rides (I could have sworn the height measurements were off!), but we found a little ride he could go on, so Trey and Mommy rode the "pigs." The funny thing was, they weren't pigs at all, but pink elephants. None of us realized they weren't actually pigs until the ride was long over, so as far as we're concerned, it was the pig ride!

After a quick snack, it was time to head inside for the rodeo itself. Trey enjoyed watching the riding, and he especially liked the calf scramble. We were pushing our limits, though, so we didn't even stay for one note of the concert (we left Aunt Kacie and Sean behind to enjoy that part). So, off we went on the "choo choo" back to our house (we live close enough to walk to the nearest light rail station).
All in all, it was a day of Texas-sized fun!
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