Friday, August 21, 2009


On Thursdays, they have Spanish lessons at Trey's school. Yesterday's lesson was colors. When I picked up Trey yesterday, one of his teachers, Ms. Erika, gave me the following report:

"Trey is so smart! You know, he doesn't really talk, but he understands so much. Today we had our Spanish lesson and we did colors. The teacher put out squares of colors on the floor, gave a little teddy bear to Trey, and asked Trey to find verde. Trey thought about it really hard, and then he put the bear on green!"

(Verde is Spanish for green.)

I loved hearing this, not only because any mother loves hearing someone else say that her child is smart, but also because I'm glad to know Trey is learning his colors! We work on colors at home, but we're never quite sure whether Trey really knows the colors or is just guessing correctly. The teachers tell me that Trey does well with colors at school, so maybe he is just a little more silly with us at home or he is tired from the day of learning. (On a related note, Trey also knows almost all his shapes!)

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