Thursday, August 20, 2009


Trey is really starting to get the hang of this talking thing! He is picking up new words more and more each day and is getting really good at repeating words back to us. Yesterday, he wanted more milk in the morning. We usually give him a warm cup of milk when he wakes up, but if he wants a refill, it comes straight from the fridge. But yesterday, he pointed to the bottle warmer and tried really hard to say "warm." It came out like "waaaah."

Trey has a book of farm animals that shows bails of hay. In the past week, he has started pointing to the pictures and saying "hay." He will also point to the clock on the way out of school and say "clock!" (though it's without the "l") and sometimes he'll point to the tree outside school and say "tee!"

So far he isn't really saying multiple-syllable words, and no phrases yet, but we can tell it's coming soon!

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