Sunday, August 9, 2009

Yes/No/I Don't Know

Lately, Trey has turned into a real "yes-man." I could have posted about this weeks ago, when he first developed the trick, but Trey now has this adorable little way of nodding "yes" in response to nearly every question you ask him. While we think he understands what we are asking most of the time, when in doubt, his answer is a nod of "yes." "Did you have fun today at school, Trey?" Nod. "Did you play with all your friends?" Nod. "Do you like your friends at school?" Nod. "Do you want to eat your friends?" Nod.

Trey has also learned the word "no." While we have feared for this day to come, he actually says "no" in the cutest little voice and in the cutest little way. He mostly uses the word when he is doing a puzzle or a shape sorter and the piece does not fit into the hole he is attempting to put it in. He also sometimes says "no-no" when he knows something isn't right or that he's not supposed to do something. But he isn't yet using the word to tell us "no" or to refuse to do things, which is nice. We'll enjoy it while he lasts.

Another cute "trick" of Trey's lately is to shrug his shoulders and sort-of say "I don't know" in response to a question. Mostly, for example, "where's Mama C?" Shrug. It's too cute. We think Daddy taught it to him when asking "Where's Mommy?" "I dunno!"

Trey is making all kinds of fun new sounds and saying new things every day. Here is a video that is a good montage of some of his tricks. See if you can spot Trey a) head-nodding; b) shrugging "I don't know;" c) saying "bubbles;" d) making the monkey sound; e) saying his own versions of "meow" and "tweet tweet;" and other cute things.

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