Today was Trey's second Fall Fest at school. It's a fun little event on the last Friday afternoon before Halloween. The kids dress up and put on a costume parade for the parents, and then there is a toddler-sized carnival in the courtyard afterward.

Last year, Trey was too little, of course, to enjoy the carnival. So we were looking forward to this year. Trey dressed up in his monkey costume! There were at least 4 other monkeys there, and at least 2 others had the exact same costume as Trey. Apparently we aren't so original.
Nevertheless, he looked cute. And while he enjoyed the school's playground more than the actual carnival, we still had a good time.

**Potty training note: While we were enjoying the festival, Trey came up to Mommy and said "pee pee!" Mommy scrambled to find an available restroom, rip Trey out of his monkey costume, and put him on the potty before it was too late. Alas, Trey did not actually use the potty, and his diaper was warm, so we aren't sure if he was just telling Mommy he had gone pee pee or if we just didn't make it to the potty in time, but we were still proud of him for verbalizing this! (Later that night, at home, Trey went #1 and #2 in the potty! Sorry if this is TMI.)
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