Monday, October 26, 2009

Ready for Halloween!

Trey is officially ready for Halloween! We won't spoil the surprise by telling you what Trey's costume will be . . . but I will give you a hint: it is one of his favorite things, and he can say the word himself. We've been teaching him what to say when people ask him what he will be for Halloween, and we're trying to get him to say "trick or treat." Right now, he will say "trick" or "treat," but not the entire phrase. I doubt we'll get the whole thing down by Saturday, but we're working on it!

Trey now knows the word for "pumpkin" and says "pumpkin" whenever he sees the ones on our front steps that we bought at Dewberry Farms.

At the Edwards house, however, we are not the best at preparing for Halloween. Our first year in the house, Mommy bought some fall decorations that she proudly displayed outside. After Thanksgiving, they were packed away in the attic and have never made their way out since. Mommy just absolutely hates going into our attic, and pulling out some simple fall/Halloween decorations is just not reason enough to brave the unknown that is above Trey's room . . . so each year since, we've settled on some simple pumpkins as decorations, which we carve in advance of October 31st.

This year, Trey's grandparents were nice enough to send some Halloween goodies from Virginia. We were happy to see that they sent Trey an official Halloween T-shirt; now he will have something proper to wear to school on Friday, since the kids are not allowed to wear costumes in advance of the Fall Festival held at the school Friday afternoon. They also sent a cute little jack-o-lantern that lights up on battery power. Trey really got a kick out of it, as shown in the video below. (What? Did you say VIDEO? Yes, I have finally gotten with it and downloaded some things from my camera. Hopefully this is a turning point for me.)

PS - Trey went poo poo in the potty tonight!!! He was sitting on the potty, and we asked him to try going, which he promptly did! Yay for Trey!!!

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